Anton Gudzyekevych


Anton Gudzykevych captures the essence of positivity in his art. His work aims to convey the mood and beauty of the moment, inviting the viewer to experience the joy and vibrancy that each piece encapsulates.

Anton Gudzykevych is a professional visual artist with over 20 years of experience. Born in Ukraine in 1987, he graduated from the National Academy of Arts and Architecture in Kyiv in 2003. His work has gained significant recognition, having been exhibited in numerous exhibitions across Ukraine, Western Europe, and China.

In recent years, Gudzykevych has successfully shared his new projects in Spain and invites you to visit his studio gallery in Jávea, on the Costa Blanca. His creative process is deeply rooted in emotions, with a focus on vibrant colors that bring his artistic vision to life.

"The preparation for a new canvas and theme is crucial to me. It’s not about adding conceptual weight to the artwork, but rather about finding the right mood, capturing the state that feels most appropriate at that moment. From there, I discover the color and composition that best convey the emotional message on the canvas. I don’t set myself apart from the viewer, who often lacks the time to untangle the complexities of conceptual art. Instead, I aim to facilitate a dialogue, focusing on expressing the true sentiment of the moment—whether it’s watching an airplane take off, a yacht drifting, or simply enjoying the beauty of a warm coast, momentarily forgetting the troubles that fill our lives. This isn’t about escaping problems, but a form of meditation meant to recharge us for moving forward."

Anton Gudzykevych


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